Don't be afraid to share what you know

This evening I asked a new gal pal of mine for her opinion about something pertaining to business. We exchanged a few tweets on the subject and ended up talking on the phone for a more in-depth conversation.

As we discussed a smattering of ideas, I was impressed with her approach to sharing information and experiences. We even talked about that specifically. Her philosophy, she told me, was simple, "My mission is to share and connect." Although I possess that same attitude toward helping colleagues and peers, I've never expressed it that way. I thought that was spectacular!

It is so refreshing when you meet people who realize that we are all better as a community when we are real with one another. Not all of us are experts on everything. We have our areas of expertise, but we also have our areas of weakness. It's alright not to know something. There is no shame in asking people whom you admire or respect for a little old-fashioned advice. And you are not diminishing your value by sharing what you know.

When times get tough, many people tend to be stingy with information. We think to ourselves: "If I know this and Joe Shmoe doesn't, I'm more likely to keep my job, get that promotion, or snag that client." However, never underestimate the value of being a team player, mentoring someone deserving, or establishing a reputation as someone who always makes the time to provide professional guidance. It's about paying it forward, but more than that it's about being human.

There's a wonderful quote that I use frequently and I think it sums up my feelings on the subject perfectly. I'll leave you to ponder (and hopefully embrace!) these words from Gandhi, a great thought leader: "Be the change you want to see in the world."

Now, go tackle the day and be great!


  1. You are such a doll Amber, and I adore how you always write with such flow and eloquence. #Kudos to you my friend.

    Thank YOU for sharing your gifts of insight, compassion and etiquette with all of us on a daily basis.

    Love and Light ♥!

  2. Stacey,

    Thank you for your kind words. You represent everything that is RIGHT with business and social media. Thanks for setting the bar so high for the rest of us.

    Forever your fan.

  3. Thank you for expressing that so eloquently... so simply.

  4. My favorite line, "It's about paying it forward, but more than that, it's about being human." Well said!

    I have found that the more I share, the more I learn in return! It's wonderful how that works.

    ~ Bonnie

  5. JP: Thank you so much for your comment and your kind words. I really appreciate both!

    Windshieldthinking: Thanks for commenting. You are absolutely correct; I completely agree. As with most things, you get out of it what you put into it. Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog!

  6. Great post. Our company is open about information with prospects. Sometimes we get burned and the client goes with a competitor after going to school on us. More often than not, people reward us for sharing our knowledge base freely.

    Julie Fogg

  7. Julie,

    I appreciate your comment. Yes, there may be a risk in being free with information, but as you say, the payoff is usually higher than that risk. In your situation, sharing information with clients may be a bit more complicated than sharing with peers.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to weigh in on the discussion.


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