7 ways to provide value to your Twitter followers

Twitter is a powerful social and professional tool. You can use it to build your reputation, establish yourself as an expert, develop your network, and grow your business. You can also use it for purely social reasons to make new friends or find people who share your interests. However, regardless of how you choose to utilize Twitter, you get the most out of it when you provide some degree of value.

Here are seven no fail things you can do to be helpful to others in your Twitter stream:
  1. Let people know about professional and/or social events that may be of interest to them
  2. Introduce your followers to one another if you think they would benefit from knowing one another
  3. Answer people's questions (so many tweets are from folks who need an answer to something)
  4. Share articles that can be useful to others in your industry or those with similar interests or hobbies
  5. Tell people know about the things you find interesting or educational: books, blogs, products, etc.
  6. Provide unique insight or observations that could be beneficial to others
  7. Pass the word about cool opportunities (e.g. contests, freebies, coupons, etc)
What did I miss? How do you provide value to your Twitter connections? Or is value overrated?


  1.  These are awesome...as usual...thank you for sharing...

    The one that perplexes me the most is number 3....from both a courtesy standpoint and of course...our favorite...a Customer Relations standpoint....I can't tell you how many questions I have posted in the Twittosphere and have never received a reponse...ever...ugh!

    All this investment by corporations in their social media campaigns...and yet...a customer can't get an answer...

    BTW have I told you today how much I love your blog?: )

  2. Bottom line, people just want to be heard, huh? Whether it's validating a complaint or answering a question, folks just want to be listened to. Putting on your listening ears is usually a great way to set yourself apart from the crowd.

    BTW, have I told you today how much I love the new header you made for my blog? ;-)


    Oh yeah...you're listening...sorry for raising my voice...

    Have I told you today how much I would LOVE to love my header...LOL?  

  4.  Good advice, as usual.  I'll start by sharing this.  :)

  5. Aw, thanks Jayne. You complete me ;-)

  6. You'll get it done. I'm sure your new header will be great! 

  7. Rochelle Carr BurnsMay 17, 2011 at 7:43 AM

    true Rachel, totally agree and wonder why they r on Twitter???? 

  8. forgot, my return @minRsoc :-)  

  9. Hey Rochelle...even worse are those companies who only offer support through social media or forums....and they don't respond..it is just perplexing and annoying...  yeah...why bother? 

  10. They simply don't understand that Twitter is a customer service tool and not just for marketing. Major loss on their parts, unfortunately.

  11. Nice list Amber! I particularly appreciate tweeters who have a specific focus -- which makes it easy for me to get value from their tweets. You know, when they focus like you do! 

  12. "Tell people know about the things you find interesting or educational: books, blogs, products, etc."

    Here's a thought: To communicate effectively have something to say and say it clearly.

  13. That's good advice for anything and everything, Bill. Say what you mean and mean what you say ;-)

  14. Snoring Dog StudioMay 21, 2011 at 4:51 AM

     This is one of the most helpful posts on Twitter I've seen - really. I still have trouble "getting" Twitter. But you've given me some tips here that, yes, I'll use prescriptively for awhile until it feels natural. Great job, Amber and Thanks!

  15. Yay! So glad to hear that, Jean! I'm happy you found it useful. :-)

  16. This is a very useful and to-the-point post for all new twitter users.  I'll be sure to share this with our clients that are just getting started.  Thanks for putting this together Amber - well done!

  17. Hi Mark! Thanks for the thumbs up ;-) I think the people who get the most traction on Twitter are those who do at least a few of these things.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  18. 7 Good tips. sometimes we forget that Twitter is about connecting and OFFERING free info. It comes back to your 10 fold when you do.

  19. For sure, Susan. Give to the community and the community gives back to you! :-)

  20. thanks for posting these ways to improve our Twitter experience

  21. Great tips. Useful and practical and they work!


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